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    Congratulations to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry learners, Sheyla Abdic, Saumik Biswas and Gordon Ngo, who were named as be part of the sixth cohort of Western's Medical Innovation Fellowship (MIF) program.

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  • Feature: Dental student helps children practise physical distancing through creative fundraising initiative
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  • Announcement: Robert Bartha, PhD, appointed Acting Director, Strategy and Scientific Integration, Robarts Research Institute
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Dr. Anthony Nichols, a head and neck surgeon was involved with the world’s first clinical trial comparing robotic surgery to radiation therapy for the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer.  
PhD Candidate Ornela Kljakic wanted to find a way to make a small difference in her community and during the past eight years, she has volunteered with Frontier College.
Dr. Supriya Singh MD’14 has developed and enhanced international humanitarian efforts and continues to be an active volunteer within the London community.